Friday, June 19, 2015

Travi$ Scott WordPress website

Travi$ Scott WordPress website
This is a screen recording of the Wordpress website which I made for the artist Travi$ Scott which can be found here: I used all the knowledge I learned from comparing Lil Durk and Tycho's websites. This was as a trial to gain experience on making websites so that I will be more prepared to create my Digi-Pack next year while were making our music video.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Website Comparison

Lil Durk VS. Tycho (Website Comparison)

This is a comparison of Lil Durk's website and Tycho's website. Lil Durk is a Chicago rapper and drill artist and Tycho is an American ambient music artist and producer from San Francisco, California. In the video bellow I show what an artist's website must have, I also show the differences in website design according to the artist's genre's and the conventions they followed, and finally I explain who I believe would visit these artist's website's.