Friday, December 5, 2014

Mood Board

Mood Boards

My group decided that to make sure we were all on the same page regarding how our project was going to look and to be able to convey our view to other people, it would be beneficial to create mood boards for our project. A mood board is “a type of collage consisting of images, text, and samples of objects in a composition. They may be physical or digital, and can be extremely effective presentation tools.” -Wikipedia. We decided to make two mood boards, one for the part of the scene which takes place inside of the mental asylum and another mood board for the part of the scene which takes place in the patients head. We thought it smart to separate the scene in too two mood boards as to make our presentation of the idea more understandable because we feared that if we had all our research cramped in too one mood board it could obfuscate the person we were presenting too.

This is the mood board which was created by perry and I. We did the mood board for the part of the scene which takes place in the head of the patient. We used a black background on the mood board because that is what it is going to look like in the head of the patient, we think that the dark inside of the head will contrast with the white room in the mental asylum, darkness also has several connotations which would fit very well for the feel we are trying to achieve with this part of the scene, such as evil, mysterious, frightening, unknown, it does not have many good positive connotations behind which is good because we are trying to show that what is happening is not normal and is not good. We also added the text “NIGHTMARE” to the mood board to represent that what the patient is seeing in his head is like nightmare, a nightmare is a frightening or unpleasant dream, so having the text “NIGHTMARE” on the mood board helps explain the connotations that we want this part of the scene to make the audience think of. On the mood board at the top you can also see a women which is red, this is how we want the character (figure of the patients imagination) in the patients head to look like, because the connotations behind a women is normally innocence but when she is red it switches it completely because one of the connotations behind red is that it represents evilness and that paired with the black background creates the perfect evil imagined character. The other images bellow are other ways we could make the character in the patients head look for example in black and white and distorted visually to make it look abnormal and scary, because when something is different from the way its supposed to be it can look frightening if done well. When creating this mood board we also though about the makeup which the character would have to be wearing, for example the person in the bottom image, is wearing dark colours and has dark hair but her face has been made very white with the help of make up so that it would stand out and the viewer would be automatically to this persons face and we decided that we want to do the same thing to the caricature in our project. In conclusion I believe that in this mood board we have successfully been able to convey what we envisioned for this part of the scene, which is an evil and abnormal looking character which will frighten the audience and show that what the patient is seeing in his head is not good an not normal.

This is the mood board which was created by Indie and Zell, they were in charge of the mood board which focused on the part of the scene which takes place in the mental asylum. To fit with the idea, which starts off with a dolly shot down a corridor, Indie and Zell have added a photo of what we envisioned the corridor to look like (image in top left corner), the corridor is long, clean, has flickering lights on the ceiling and is empty; we also wanted the floor of the corridor to be checkered with black and white tiles which is why Zell and Indie added a photo of this on the bottom row to the left of the word “HELP” to help convey our vision. Another photo which they added was a photo of a girl in a straight jacket, they have added this because this is what we want the patient in the scene to wear, because it shows for sure that the scene is taking place in a mental asylum and that the asylum is controlling the patient and making it impossible for him to resist against what they do to him. Indie and Zell have also inserted a photo of a patient in a white cushioned room (photo in the top row to the right of the photo of the eye), this is what we want the room where the patient is, to look like, we want this because when we were brainstorming different ideas for what a mental asylum could look like, this is one of the first things that came to everyone’s mind and so they added it to the mood board in hope that the consumers would see the photo and automatically link it with a mental asylum as well. Finally another photo which Indie and Zell have added to this mood board is a photo of a hospital bead (to the right of the moodpboard under the word NIGHTMARE). this is what we have decided that we want our patient to be on in the padded room because once again it makes it clear to the audience that its taking place in an asylum, we also want the sheets and the pillow on the bed to look dirty as if they had not been washed in a very long time to make it appear that the patients in this mental asylum are not being taken care of well.

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