Tuesday, March 10, 2015

(Evaluation Task 6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

(Evaluation Task 6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Above as can be seen on our thriller we have annotated it at different moments and explained how we have used technologies in our thriller. Bellow is what is written on the video's annotations:

Technologies we used:
1: We filmed the thriller with an NX5 Camera, and added in titles using adobe premiere pro; we chose the font we wanted to use and its size, and faded it in each time to give a calming effect at the beginning and end of our thriller.
2: We adjusted the volume of our protagonist typing so that it sounded realistic with the movement of her fingers.
3: We added in a non-diegetic soundtrack at the point where the audience felt something was about to happen, as it increased in volume and tension. After downloading the soundtrack cut bits out and used only the bits we needed to increase tension our thriller.
4: We downloaded a non-diegetic sound effect of a lock being picked because the original sound from filming wasn’t loud enough, so this meant we had to adjust the volume of the downloaded sound to match the action in the footage. We overlaid this with the soundtrack.
5: We found another sound effect to match our protagonist turning round at the sound of the door closing, coming in straight after a brief black out.
6: We increased the volume of the sound of our antagonist attaching a silencer to his gun; because he twisted the silencer three times, we had to cut and edit the sound to get the pace right undelaying.
7: We cropped two different shots and moved them on to the timeline next to each other so it looked like one.
8. The non-diegetic soundtrack rises and falls as the protagonist runs down the stairs as we felt this increases the tension for our audience.
9. we bought sugar glass and was a practical effect we used during production.
10. fade to black as the title fades in and we changed the levels of the sound so they fluctuate and intrigue the audience with on going tension.

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