Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Andrew Goodwin's Narrative Theory

Andrew Goodwin's Narrative Theory

The definition of Illustration is: "Where the video tells the story of the lyric. Dance is often used to express the feelings/moods in the song." Bellow is an example of a music video which follows a illustration narrative, the music video if for "Whatever You Like" by the artist T.I. 

This video shows illustration because the music video is illustrating the song's lyrics, for example where the lyric says "Stacks on deck" there is a shot of a stack of money, where the lyrics say "Patrone on ice" there is a shot of somebody pouring a glass of Patrone which is filled with ice, where the lyric says "we can pop bottles all night" there is a shot of a cork popping out of a champagne bottle, and lastly where the lyric says "mine, she can have what she want" there is a shot of the female in the video getting what she wants (a car).

                                  Illustration example 1                                                                            Illustration example 2

                                   Illustration example 3                                                                              Illustration example 4      

The definition of Disjuncture is: "Where there is a little connection between the lyric and video or where the video contradicts the lyric." Bellow is an example of a music video which follows a disjuncture narrative, the music video is for the song "Good Morning" by the artist Kanye West.

This music is an example of Disjuncture because of the fact that the events which take place in the music video are a jux to position from the songs lyrics, the main examples of this jux to position is due to the songs chorus where the song lyric "good morning" is repeated several times, the whole song is about a good morning but in the music video the character is having a bad morning, for example in the scene where his car breaks down in the morning, secondly when the character is trying to get a taxi, and the taxi drives right by him and splashes him with water, the third example of the carachter not having a good morning is when he get eaten by a cloud monster, and lastly when the carachter misses his train, these are obviouse examples of having a bad morning which is why it is a good example of disjuncture since the song is about having a good morning.

                             Disjuncture example 1                                                                              Disjuncture example 2

                                 Disjuncture example 3                                                                              Disjuncture example 4

The definition of Amplification is: "The images amplify the lyrics as a narrative may be used to convey a deeper meaning that would not be picked up from the lyrics alone. The artist(s) may take on fictional roles within the narrative." Bellow is an example of a music video which follows a disjuncture narrative, the music video is for the song "Fucking Young" by the artist Tyler The Creator.

This video is a clear example of Amplification because the situations which are explained in the song's lyrics are exaggerated in the song's music video, the song is about the singer (Tyler The Creator) loving a girl who is to young for him, and he explains that he doesn't want to love her and that the girl ends up loving him and becomes a little to attached and he doesn't want her to because he could get in trouble. The first example is when Tyler says that he fell in love with the girl at first sight and in the shot of his face his eyes are bulging out which is a clear exaggeration of love at first sight. Secondly the shot of tyler and the girl sitting together and in love in the grass but in the shot the grass and flowers are a lot bigger than them which shows exaggeration. The third example is when the girl is to attached and comes to his house and has met his mom and prepared dinner for him, this is an exaggeration of her attachment to him. The last example of Amplification in this music video is whilst Tyler is trying to ignore the girl and she decides to burn down his house in revenge, once again an exaggeration of her affection.

                              Amplification example 1                                                                          Amplification example 2             

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