Bad Trip:
Plot of whole film: The whole film is based around a few hours, it is about a young teenager which try’s a new crazy psychedelic drug and has a bad experience with it. The movie is mostly set inside the kids mind during his bad trip, we see what the teen see’s in his head which is pretty much a nightmare but he is also awake so he see’s it around him, it is pretty much like alice in wonderland but in a horribly scary, thrilling and disturbing version.
Establishing shots of a house with music playing and then we see a shot of inside the house, we see 3 teens sitting in a circle all looking at each other smiling they all lift up their index finger which seems to have some sort of a drug on it and we get a shot going around the circle of each teen putting the drug on their tongue, the last teen the camera stays on. Then once the last teen (the main character) puts the drug in his mouth and closes his mouth smiling and his eyes, the mood completely switches and the teens eyes open in a scare and we start to see flashes of horrific things intercut with the teens frightened face, the cuts slowly become faster until they are really fast and like strobe, the cuts become so fast that it all fades out to black, and then the title appears.
25 word pitch: Your worst nightmare, on crazy drugs.
Mood Board:
Out of all the 3 different thriller intro idea's I had I decided to pitch this one to the class because it was my favourite and in my opinion the class really liked it as well, when i finished reading out this thriller intro pitch I heard a few voices around the class saying things like “Wow!” and “Oh my god!”, so people seemed to really like this one. Most of the feed back I got for this thriller intro idea was positive, the first piece of feedback I got was on the title of the film, people found it creative and smart how i tied the title to the plot of the whole film in a creative way. Another thing I got positive feedback on was the shot where it looks like the camera goes through the boys eye and into his head, this seemed to be the favourite part of the idea for a lot of people in the class, they said it was original and very creative but some people in the class did question how hard the shot was going to be to accomplish. One piece of constructive feedback I got was on the fact that their is the use of drugs in my intro, and how it is a little risky to film things like drugs for a school project in a school environment, I was advised to maybe think of what other thing I could use to replace drugs in the opening sequence just incase I was told I wasn't allowed to use drugs. Overall I was very pleased with the way the class reacted to my thriller intro, it was my favourite and they seemed to feel the same way, they also left me with a few things to work on and think about which i found helpful to the improvement of this idea.
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