Thriller test shoot
Has your idea translated well to film? Have you made a thriller?
Once we incorporate edits and music it will be a lot more thrilling
Club scene not thrilling but with edits can be
The fact that its Halloween is thrilling
Yes our ideas have translated well to film
Is the pace the right length?
for the party shots, the length of the shots are too long
the corridor shot is a good length
Is your idea clear to a viewer?
- it’s a simplistic idea which is clear to the viewer
Has tension been created?
- the corridor shot is full of tension however at the moment the party scene needs editing and music to create tension
Have the angles and camera movement you used work? Or could they be developed?
A wider range of camera angled to build tension in the party shots needed
Need a range of shots to pick up the pace
Do you need to add or take away anything from your test shoot?
we need to add more shots to the party section
we need more diverse shots for the drug section
we need to add music and lighting
What hasn’t worked, and or could be developed further?
The amount of tension created needs to increase
We need to develop a wider range of camera angles to make the thriller more thrilling.
Need to develop more of a buildup
What has worked well? And why?
the corridor shot worked well, the introduction to the party scene worked well (girl+boy)
the strobe lighting worked well
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